Special School: SLBN 1 and 2 of Palangkaraya

Special School: SLBN 1 and 2 of Palangkaraya

Paper folding activity in a classroom of SLBN 1 Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. | Photo: SLBN 1 Palangkaraya.

PALANGKARAYA is the capital city of Central Kalimantan province.

The city now has two SLBNs (Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri), or state-owned special schools.

The first school is SLBN 1. It is located on Jalan RTA Milono Km 2.5.

SLBN 1 was at first a private school. Later, it was converted into a public school.

The special school was once known as SLB Budi Karya. 

It was founded by Mr Pindu Saputra, on February 15, 1977.

The second special school in Palangkaraya, is SLBN 2.

It is situated on Jalan Pelajar, Matal, Sabangau subdistrict.

SLBN 2 was once also a private special school, called SLB Pembina.

The school was established on January 29, 1998.

Exchanges of teachers and principals occasionally occur between the two SLBNs.

Several students, either from SLBN 1 or SLBN 2, have been recognized provincially, nationally and internationally, for their academic and non-academic achievements.[sahrudin]


Special school = SLB, Sekolah Luar Biasa
Capital; capital city = ibukota
State-owned = negeri; milik negara
Public = negeri; umum
Private = swasta; pribadi
Converted = diubah
Once = dulunya; dahulu; sekali
Known as = dikenal sebagai
Established = didirikan
Exchange = pertukaran
Principal = kepala sekolah
Either...or... = Baik...maupun...
Recognized = diakui
Achievement = prestasi; pencapaian
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