Vocational School: SMK NU Kesesi of Pekalongan

Vocational School: SMK NU Kesesi of Pekalongan

Students of SMK NU Kesesi, Pekalongan, Central Java, to get involved in computer animation extracurricular activity. | Photo: SMK NU Kesesi.

SMK NU Kesesi, is one of private vocational schools in Pekalongan regency of Central Java.

This secondary school is situated on Jalan Raya Kaibahan-Kajen, in Kesesi subdistrict.

Established in 2004, SMK NU Kesesi has just celebrated its 17th anniversary on Monday (April 12, 2021).

The vocational school's birthday was celebrated in a modest way.

The celebration was started with the Quran recitation, mass prayer or istighotsah, and also graduation ceremony of grade 12 students.

SMK NU Kesesi to cooperate with private companies and government agencies, in order to enhance students and teachers' knowledge and skills. 

Students of this vocational school are also motivated to participate in extracurricular activities.

Computer animation extracurricular, for instance, is usually carried out every Tuesday afternoon, starts from 2.30 PM.

Academic and non-academic achievements have been made by SMK NU Kesesi.

One of the school's notable accomplishments was when their students volleyball team, won a tournament held by Pekalongan government last year.

The number of students of SMK NU Kesesi has grown steadily over the last four years.

In 2016, the total number of students of this school was 810 persons.

Four years later, the number has increased to 1,570 students.[junaedi]


Vocational = kejuruan
Private = swasta
Regency = kabupaten
Situated = terletak; berada
Subdistrict = kecamatan
Established = didirikan
Celebrate = merayakan
Anniversary = hari ulang tahun
Modest = sederhana
Recitation = pembacaan
Mass prayer = doa bersama
Grown = bertambah
Steadily = stabil
Achievement = prestasi
Accomplishment = prestasi
Increased = meningkat
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